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a kinder, gentler chaos - 2004-03-31 - 12:19 p.m.
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In the last however long since my last entry, my life has been full of new learning and experiance. The whole of it is too much for a short version here, so I'll sum up:

Got hired by the company that bought the building my old office was in. Had 3 weeks of training for the new company (which is 2 and 1/2 weeks more than I'd have had under the old company). Have been in emotional shock since the new company came in since they actually value their employees and i'm not used to that at all. And since there's real work to do there, they keep me too busy to update very often here.

I do think about my friends here. Amber, Flood, Guttermind, and Anticonform all have my best wishes. Just most of the time I've used up my words by the end of my shift and am pained by even looking at a monitor. That last bit hurts most, since computers are my life anymore.

With any luck the new company will finish setting up the free-access net terminals in the breakroom in the next couple of months. With that set, I'll be able to update on a more regular basis and keep in better touch.

Hugs to all.


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