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Late breaking news... - 2004-07-28 - 8:53 a.m.
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Ahh, the smell of obscurity in the morning. - That was my first thought at seeing everything here just as I left it before I cocooned myself away in my work.

The wierdness of it all was just too much. First the new job, then learning new skills, then the enforced socialization with family, and then, and then, and then.

By the time I looked up again it was, well, just now - the end of july.

It did take a lot of time to see the grimy core of the shining new opportunity. At it's core is the same vile, disgusting, putrid fact. PEOPLE ARE STUPID.

I may not have the best spelling skills around, but I am smarter than the average bear. So they've got me talking to people who've lost the battle with their entertainment system.

I've decided to invest in my future. I'll be buying a book of poop jokes and going into stand-up comedy if this job ever goes the way the last one did.


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